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Photo: Dallis Willard


Holocaust, Art, and Resistance Day of Learning

For Bay Area high school groups; available February–April 2024

ADMISSION: Free for Bay Area school groups through the 2023–2024 academic year

Holocaust, Art, and Resistance Day of Learning teaches Holocaust history, shares connections to contemporary Jewish culture, and centers the crucial role of the arts in fostering resilience and empathy. Presented with Songs of Truth and created in partnership with Citizen Film, Golden Gate Orchestra and Chorus, and Holocaust Music Lost and Found, this three-hour program features a multimedia live concert of the music and stories of composers who perished in Nazi concentration camps, followed by a series of student activities that include a CJM architecture tour, an exhibition tour, and a guided art making experience.

During the multimedia concert, students will learn Holocaust history by listening to the music and stories of composers who created works during the Holocaust. Students will then transition to learning about Jewish culture more broadly, and to considering their own roles in building communities that stand up against discrimination. Students are invited to consider how history ties into their own agency and resilience today, and to think about cross-cultural bridging and combating discrimination in their communities.

Students from visiting schools who play instruments are also invited to learn the music of any number of songs and perform alongside the professional musicians. First launched in 2023, this program has been expanded into 2024 due to an extraordinary response from teachers and students.

Book Your Tour

The CJM can accommodate groups of 60–90 students per experience at The Museum. For schools interested in booking larger groups (100–400 students), there is an option to bring the multimedia concert part of this program to your school, along with CJM educators who can support student reflection activities. Please indicate your interest in this option on the tour booking form.  

Book your experience using the button below, or visit our School Tours page to see all of our tour options. 

Learn More
Discover resources for Teaching the Holocaust Using the Arts
More Teacher Resources

The CJM offers an array of free, downloadable resources designed to prepare students and teachers to view exhibitions, and to support your tour experience.

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Major support for K-12 School and Teacher Programs is generously provided by the California Arts Council; California Bank & Trust; William Randolph Hearst Foundation; Barbara and Ronald Kaufman; The Bernard Osher Foundation; Pacific Gas and Electric Company; The Ullendorff Memorial Foundation; and Yerba Buena Community Benefit Fund.